Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Time, Life, and Money

This is a perspective piece that will tie into my upcoming 'Deal Blueprint'

Time has several states. Past, Present, and Future. Time by itself is as meaningless as any other fact of reality, but to a living being it can have value.

All objects have a past a present and a future but only living entities can value their past, past present or future

Only intelligent beings value their past. Humans regularly trade portions of their past for money so money is actualy a symbol for a mans life and the value he holds for other individuals

That is why an emplyer no matter what he says always finds his employes less valuable than himself, it is moral to value yourself above others it is not moral to lie to other people and tell them you value them more than you actualy do. but if you want an objective point of view for value just follow the money maybe that is why lee iacocca's claims that his employees were the most important people in the company was proven by the fact that he recived a 1 dollar paycheck and everything else was risidual income from stock in the company. He bet on his people, he said he valued them and showed them by rellying on their productivity.

Ultimately the bromide "Actions speak louder than words" is truly a principle of a moral individual. Because it is results that matter in the real world not intentions, because we must live with the results and not the intentions.

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